Brinley Nicole Moore


Friday, May 28, 2010

Nearing the 26th week

Only 100 more days to go. Seems like it will take forever and I am glad. I need all that time to prepare for the big change that is about to happen in my life. Being pregnant is an adventure. I have had up and down days. Mostly up though which is good. Today I feel a little dizzy and I keep burping the taste of that darn iron pill I have to start taking every day. 

Had my last doctor appointment on Wednesday of this week. It went well, had to do the Glucose Screening Test to check and see if I have diabetes and I don't thank God. My glucose needed to be below 135 and it was 130 so I passed that test. My iron came back at 10.5 and they want it to be at least 11.5 so I have to start taking an iron pill everyday. I can't take it at the same time as my prenatal which I have been taking at night so it doesn't make me sick. So I am taking the iron pill in the morning and now have to deal with this nasty taste... Yuck!

They also said I have gained 9 pounds since I started going there about 2-3 months ago. She said that was fine as long as I have been eating healthy and I have for the most part. I guess I better start watching what I am eating more cause I don't want to be a fat cow. lol 

Brinley has been moving a lot everyday. Sometimes it feels like she is rolling around in there and other times it is like she is trying to punch her way through my side. I can only imagine how much more I will be able to feel her move as she grows. I actually saw my tummy move for the first time at the doctor's office the other day. I've been watching my tummy when I feel her moving in hopes of seeing it so that was interesting to see.

I went and had another ultrasound done at HGTC yesterday but haven't scanned in the pictures yet. Brinley likes to not be cooperative when I am getting my ultrasounds. She always seems to have her hand or foot in the way of the shot. They tried to get me a good profile shot but she just wouldn't let them. I hope she isn't this much trouble after she is born. 

Here I am at 23 Weeks along.

And here is a shot I took with my phone at the ultrasound. They have plastic babies at different sizes. The one I am holding is for a 5 month old so she should be a little bigger than that now.

Happy Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. Heather, you and Mark are going to make great parents. Brinley is going to be a great baby because she has great parents. Plus auntie Jenna will be more than happy to help babysit when ever you and Mark want your "alone time!" Josh need some practice anyways! LOL I am always here for you when ever you need me. Just call! I love you like the sister I never had but always wanted!

