Brinley Nicole Moore


Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 21 Movements and Gender

So I am now 21 weeks along and finally had my ultrasound done last Tuesday. The doctor said everything seemed to be progressing along very nicely so I probably won't be having another done at the doctors office. Our little baby girl or boy wasn't cooperating when it came time to determine the gender so the best GUESS the technician could give us was that it was a girl. (Her legs were crossed so it was hard to tell.) The following day I had my doctor appointment and met with the midwife of the office and she said it had a girl's heartbeat (154 bpm) also so she was going with girl. Apparently a girl's heartbeat is typically between 150 and 160 bpm and a boy's is between 130 and 140 bpm. So Jenna and I went to Carter's and bought a bunch of girl's clothes that afternoon. Girl's clothes are so much cuter than boy clothes. Here is the only picture I got from the ultrasound.

I'm going today to have another 2D ultrasound done to determine the gender at an outside place that specifically does ultrasounds for memories. I will be going back in a few more weeks to get a 3D ultrasound done then I will be able to get a portrait of the baby after he/she is born. They have different packages depending on how much you want to spend and exactly what you are wanting from the ultrasound. Here is the website:

I've been feeling the baby move for a few weeks now. It started out as little taps and kicks but now I can really feel them. Mark was able to feel the baby kick last week but it is still very subtle. I've determined that it feels as weird as I thought it would. Does anyone else find it weird to have another living being moving around inside of you? Well I do... It just creeps me out but at the same time I like it cause I know that the baby is alive and well.

I can tell a pattern for when I feel the movements too. It is usually around 11am, 5pm, and 10pm. I have to be sitting still in order to feel it but that is when I notice it most. This week the baby is supposed to be 10 1/2 inches long from head to foot about the length of a carrot which is pretty long in my book. My sister's son was 21 inches long when born so that means that my baby will be about twice as long as it is now when born. Man that just freaks me out too. lol

Well that is what's going on in my baby world this week.

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