Brinley Nicole Moore


Monday, August 9, 2010


**Sorry I posted this from my cell phone and for some reason it split the blog into 5 blogs instead of just 1. Got it fixed now though.

Went to the doctor today to be checked and determine if I was leaking amniotic fluid. Good news is I am not leaking any fluid. Brinley's heartbeat was at 155 bpm. She has been moving around plenty today so everything is going good.

The doctor did say that my mucus plug has already come out and that I am dialated 2 to 2 1/2 centimeters. I haven't noticed any Braxton hicks contractions except for once the other day but I guess I've been having them. I still have 1 week to go before she is considered full-term.

I have 2 classes to attend this weekend. 1 is for infant care and the other is a breastfeeding class. Also I have finished my college classes for the summer and ended up getting an A in art history and a B in Spanish. Yay me!

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